It may feel wrong to be thinking about summer camps already, but experienced parents know that February is the make-or-break month to get your kids into their summer camp of choice. DMV residents are nothing if not practical planners, and by March, many great camps are full! To save all you drama mamas and papas some time, DCMTA has compiled a list of theater summer camps and classes available to young thespians in a 30-mile radius of Washington, DC.
The Theatre Lab School for the Dramatic Arts
The Theatre Lab’s summer camps are fun, creative, and high-energy programs that allow young actors to fully engage their imaginations and experience the thrill of live theatre. Novices and experienced young actors alike will learn to harness their creativity and build their confidence all while having a great time in a safe and fun environment. Sessions take place from June-August for 1st-8th graders. Teens ages 13-19 may audition for placement in Summer Institutes for Acting, Musical Theatre, and Performance.