Meet Theresa Williamson - The Theatre Lab

The Theatre Lab is pleased to welcome Theresa Williamson as our Finance and Operations Manager. She brings a wealth of expertise as both a Financial Manager and a Strategy and Improvement Specialist, with over twenty years of experience in banking, government contracts administration, strategy and improvement, and financial management.

Recognized as a Mental Health First Aider by the National Council for Behavioral Health, Theresa has an extraordinary commitment to community. At Wood Mackenzie, her previous employer, she led various employee Thrive programs, gaining honorable mention by the global executive team, and was an active Inclusion, Diversity & Belonging (IDB) agent, a Wellness representative, and an Ethnicity Working Group Lead. She is passionate about employee well-being and supporting those who are underrepresented in society.

“We’re so excited to welcome Theresa to our team, ” Says Co-Executive Director Deb Gottesman, “because she so fully understands the ways in which financial operations and efficiency impact the health of the organization, its staff and faculty, and the students we serve.”

She completed her undergraduate studies at Strayer University, graduating magna cum laude, and is currently pursuing an MBA, MS Finance from the University of Maryland. Her hobbies include traveling, exploring the culinary arts, reading, and gardening.

The next time you’re at The Theatre Lab, please stop by and say “hello.”

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