Allyson Currin - The Theatre Lab

Allyson Currin



Adult Programs

Allyson is a playwright, whose most recent world premiere of Sooner/Later just closed at Cincinnati Playhouse, and will have its DC premiere in 2019 at Mosaic Theatre. Other playwriting credits include The Silver Belles (Tony Award-winning Signature Theatre), High School Alien (Cincinnati Playhouse), Unleashed! (The John F. Kennedy Center), The Carolina Layaway Grail (The Welders), Caesar and Dada (WSC Avant Bard), Hercules in Russia (Doorway Arts Ensemble), The Dancing Princesses (Imagination Stage), Treadwell: Bright and Dark (American Century Theatre), Benched (Pinky Swear Productions), Church of the Open Mind* and The Subject (Charter Theatre), Learning Curves (Washington Shakespeare Company) and Amstel in Tel Aviv* and Dancing With Ourselves (Source Theatre Company). Currin is a Founding Member of The Welders, a DC-based playwrights’ collective, which received the Helen Hayes Awards’ John Aniello Award for Outstanding Emerging Theatre Company. She is also an actor with numerous film, television and stage appearances. (*Nomination, Helen Hayes Awards Outstanding New Play)

You can connect with Allyson on her website or on Twitter.

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