Your Body’s Story: Theatre for Survivors - The Theatre Lab

Your Body’s Story: Theatre for Survivors




Oct 30 - Dec 18


7 - 9:30 PM


Jodi Kanter


A workshop for people who have survived physical, emotional, or medical trauma, taught by a professor of theatre at George Washington University trained in drama therapy. Trauma can change how a body looks, feels, and moves. This class is a place for participants to explore their relationship with their bodies in the past, present and future through theater exercises. The focus will be on discovering and learning to inhabit a wider variety of roles in everyday life. Participants will work to achieve a more integrated sense of their embodied experience as it has changed and continues to change across their survivorship. The work will unfold in a spirit of play and in the space of supportive community.

Cost: $0 – $300. Pay what you can.

Admission by application. Please apply here. 

To remove barriers to access, this class is being offered as Pay-What-You-Can. The amount you indicate will have no effect on the consideration of your application.

There are still spots available in this class. Please use the link above to apply. 

No class 11/27. 




Fall II

Your Body’s Story: Theatre for Survivors


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Jodi Kanter

Jodi Kanter’s artistic focus is on strengthening communities through theatrical improvisation, oral history collection, writing and performance. To this end, over the last twenty-five years, she has created dozens of workshops and performances in a wide variety of settings, including prisons, hospices, libraries and community-based nonprofits. For the last fifteen years, she has been a faculty member in the Theatre and Dance program at George Washington University. She has led theater programs at the Smith Center for Healing and the Arts and recently co-led a Life Stories program for nurse educators at Theatre Lab. She has also served as a production dramaturg for many theaters around the city including Theatre J, Mosaic, Round House and Olney Theatre Center. Jodi’s scholarship includes two monographs, both published in the Theatre in the Americas Series at Southern Illinois University: Performing Loss (2007) and Presidential Libraries as Performance (2016). In June of 2023, Jodi will graduate from Lesley University with a Master’s Degree in Drama Therapy.

More about Jodi

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