Theatre Lab Co-Director Deb Gottesman Named a Washingtonian of the Year
December 22, 2023Deb Gottesman and Life Stories Celebrated by Washingtonian Magazine
Congratulations to Theatre Lab Co-Director Deb Gottesman on being named a Washingtonian of the Year by Washingtonian Magazine! Access the issue here and see page 42. The magazine honors 10 local heroes annually who are using their experience, smarts, and creativity to make our region a better place to live.
“Like previous Washingtonians of the Year, this year’s honorees are doing incredible work to help those in our community—and to help the city itself—succeed,” says Washingtonian editor Sherri Dalphonse. “This annual article is a reminder that one person really can make a difference.”
The Washingtonian highlighted in particular the work that Deb has done in developing and expanding Life Stories, The Theatre Lab’s signature program designed to amplify the voices and stories of people from historically under-represented populations. Using theatre education as a tool to increase the health and well-being of both individuals and communities is a core component of The Theatre Lab’s work.
“I couldn’t be more proud of Deb, and there’s no one I would rather share a life’s work with,” says Buzz Mauro, The Theatre Lab’s other Co-Director and Co-Founder. “I’m constantly learning from both her brilliance of mind and her generosity of spirit, and it’s thrilling to see her many contributions to the quality of life in this region being celebrated as they deserve to be.”
Deb will be honored along with her fellow 2023 Washingtonians of the Year at a ceremony on January 10.